Hello! We are Rosie and Sarah, the co-founders of Juno Books, an independent intersectional feminist and queer bookshop, based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.

Juno Books was born of our mutual love of literature, our passion for inclusive and intersectional feminism, and our desire to support a greater representation of women and marginalised voices in the world of books.  We want to challenge and break down stereotypes surrounding these groups in the literary space by stocking a carefully curated selection of literature and genres written predominantly by, for, or about women and other marginalised folk.  We are particularly keen to raise up lesser known writers by bringing you the best that local and independent presses have to offer, and carry this work alongside more established writers, with whom we are all familiar.  

Our Manifesto

The Manifesto

  1. Juno Books will always carry a majority of books written by women and queer people 

  2. We will centre marginalised voices and provide a space which raises up words and experiences not always heard by the mainstream

  3. We are an actively intersectional, anti-racist, anti-classist, anti-ableist and LGBTQ+ and trans inclusive space and will continually work to make sure we are as safe and accessible space as possible to people from marginalised groups.

  4. We will be welcoming and open to all and proactively reach out to communities and individuals who may not normally engage with queer/feminist literature.

  5. We will offer queer and feminist literary expertise and friendly personalised customer advice

  6. We will showcase books from smaller, more independent presses and new voices

  7. We endeavour to make as low a carbon impact as we possibly can, using sustainable, ethical and environmentally sound business practices.

  8. We will offer a range of books and events online to allow those who are not able to access our shop to join the Juno Books community.

  9. We will create a community fund to allow us to provide books and events at low cost or free to those who cannot afford them and proactively work with local community groups and schools.

  10. We commit to continual learning about how to be a truly inclusive, radical, community bookshop and will always be open to feedback about how we can improve.

Why Choose Us?

Our aim for Juno Books is to create a community of feminist and queer booklovers and to offer a safe and welcoming place for our readers, queer and feminist book clubbers to discover their new favourite book.  And if there is anything the past few years have taught us, it’s that we can’t underestimate the power of strong communities in helping us to explore identities, get curious about what’s important to us and to share these experiences with others.

So passionate are we about bringing you the very best in contemporary literature that we only sell books that we would recommend ourselves, so if you’ve lost your reading mojo, feel free to email us with your favourite genres and reads and we will happily recommend something for you to get you on your way again!  

Amazon (boo) might get your book to you (slightly) faster and cheaper than we will, but by supporting Juno Books, you support not only us, our families and our local communities, but also amplify the voices of lesser known writers and presses.